德國 賀默 Hermle
HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH公司成立于1953年,是專業的離心機制造廠,營銷世界數十個國家,德國HERMLE制造的離心機產品多樣、功能齊全,具有穩定耐用的高質量,且通過ISO質量規范與歐盟IEC國際安全規范,并提供各式機型與轉子適用于科研單位、各大學系所、國家研究單位、生技公司與民間公司品管與研發實驗室。
在德國本土市場,HERMLE 離心機多年來一直位居市場三甲。
Hermle Labortechnik GmbH was founded 1956 and employs approximately 30 people. The company manufactures laboratory centrifuges including microlitre centrifuges, small and big centrifuges, universal centrifuges and high-speed centrifuges. Different rotors are available for the different models. All of the centrifuges are equipped with microprocessor control, maintenance-free induction motor and CFC-free cooling systems.