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Fluidigm Fluidigm

美國Fluidigm成立于1999年, Fluidigm公司開發、生產、銷售其獨有的集成流體通路(IFC)系統,能夠顯著提高生命科學研究的生產率。借助Fluidigm的集成流體通路,能夠對極微量的試驗對象同時進行成千上萬次復雜的生化測定。這種生物學集成通路是通過在單一的微型設備上對液體處理部件進行微型化和集成處理而實現的。Fluidigm公司的IFC系統由儀器、軟件和一次性使用的集成流體通路裝置組成,與傳統的實驗室系統相比,該系統擴大了通量,降低了成本,提高了靈敏度。Fluidigm公司的產品已獲得美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)的批準,可用于診斷、檢定,且僅限于研究用途。
Fluidigm公司的新款BioMark 96.96動態陣列使用納升數量級的金標準TaqMan探針,能夠同時進行9216個實時的PCR實驗。這套新一代集成流體通路裝置能夠幫助生命科學研究人員進一步達到新的成本水平,使后勤更加靈活和高效,并從微量的試樣中取得更完整的圖譜。


——master mix混合液的用量減少192倍:9216次反應所需的混合液分別為:240微升和46080微升。

利用人類基因組序列以及有關癌癥表達基因的大量數據,Ludwig癌癥研究院正在進行多項研究,試圖對癌癥中差異表達的基因進行特征分析。Ludwig研究院Sandro J. de Souza博士說,“為了分析整個人類‘表面基因組’(surfaceome)的特征,我們進行了一次大規模的分析。我們將基因表達數據整合到‘表面基因組’知識庫中,發現了可能在惡性膠質瘤(glioblastoma)和結腸瘤中差異表達的待確定基因,接下來,我們想要用大規模的qPCR方法來驗證部分待確定基因。在我們的qPCR研究階段,Fluidigm公司的96.96動態陣列將發揮至關重要的作用。”

Fluidigm develops and distributes systems based on integrated fluidic circuits (IFCs). Our systems can play a vital role in the advancement of today’s life science and allied fields, including molecular diagnostics, personalized medicine, and wildlife conservation. With IFCs, scientists are able, at last, to conceive of and implement large, complex studies that further our knowledge of biology.

The evolution of the life science may be compared to that of the electronics industry, in which the integrated circuit replaced transistors and wiring for routing electricity, sparking exponential increases in speed and complexity of computing. Like electronic circuits, IFCs are fabricated using a photo lithographic process, in this case, to pattern molds for producing silicone wafers that have microscopic channels, pumps, valves, and other components needed for the manipulation of nano-volume scale fluids. These components can be densely arrayed for parallel operations, without loss of reliability.

Every day, we strive to enhance our customers’ success through product innovation that continually drives down their cost per experiment. Our systems, including IFCs, instrumentation, and software, allow scientists to make incomparable leaps in productivity. Our product lines include:

The BioMark? System for Genetic Analysis,
The Fluidigm EP1 System for Genetic Analysis, and
The TOPAZ? system for Protein Crystallization.
The Company's patent portfolio consists of over 80 issued US patents and over 240 pending patents internationally, including those licensed from Caltech, Harvard, and University of Alabama.

Company Highlights
1999 Founding of Fluidigm Corporation (originally Mycometrix) to commercialize IFC technology developed in the laboratory of biophysicist Stephen Quake, PhD.


2003 Launch of the TOPAZ? System for Protein Crystallization, including IFCs that assemble 768 crystallization conditions in parallel and instrumentation and software that automate the digital imaging and analysis of experiments.


2004 Development of IP around a new class of IFCs referred to as dynamic arrays and of prototypes yielding as many as 9,216 parallel data points.


2005 Opening of a 15,000 square-foot IFC fabrication facility in Singapore.


2006 Launch of the BioMark? Real-Time PCR System, a multi-application hardware/software platform based on BioMark? dynamic arrays. Introduction of BioMark? digital arrays, heralded as a practical solution for ultra-sensitive detection by digital PCR.


2007 Launch of high-throughput genotyping on the BioMark system, a breakthrough for the study of genetic variation within large populations.


2008 Launch of the Fluidigm? EP1 System for genetic analysis.
