以嶺藥業 Yiling Pharmaceutical
以嶺藥業以絡病理論創新帶動中醫藥產業化,運用現代高新技術研發現代中藥、西藥、和生物藥,研發國家專利新藥9個,覆蓋心腦血管疾病、感冒呼吸疾病、腫瘤、糖尿病及其并發癥等重大疾病領域。通過國家GMP認證的中藥生產線、通過歐盟認證的化學制劑生產車間保障了市場供給。以嶺藥業為國家創新型企業、中國制藥工業50 強,以嶺商標成為中國馳名商標。國家科技部前領導曾贊譽五位一體的發展模式為"我國中醫藥科技成果產業化的創舉"。
Yiling Pharmaceutical Group, a national level key high and new technology enterprise, is located in Shijiazhuang Hi-tech Development Zone. It was founded by Professor Wu Yiling, a tutor of doctoral students, in 1992.
Under the leadership of Professor Wu, the group company sticks to the principle of promoting the industrialization of TCM with the academic development of TCM, taking technology as the forerunner, market as the guide, and integrating scientific research, clinical practices, production, marketing and teaching together. It applies modern high and new technologies in the research and development of TCMs, western medicines and biologic products and has established modern TCM production lines conforming to GMP standards. It has also constructed a platform with modern characteristics for the research, development and production of TCM as well as modern enterprise management by adopting high and new technologies from both home and abroad.
The group has attracted a group of talented experts for scientific research, medical treatment and production during its development. About 80% of the staff has junior college or higher degrees, among whom more than 200 scientific and technical experts are returned overseas-studied doctors, postdoctors, masters and professionals with assistant senior technical titles or higher. It also enrolls students for doctor degree or master degree together with Hebei Medical University every year and has been approved to be a Postdoctoral Research Station by the Ministry of Personnel. The application of high level talent team as well as high and new technologies and equipment has resulted in outstanding achievements in the research, development and production of TCMs, western medicines and biologic products with modern characteristics.
The group has undertaken and completed numerous national or provincial research projects, including the national 973 Project, the national 863 Project, projects funded by China National New Drug Research and Development Funds, national key projects included in the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”, national high-tech development projects, projects funded by National Natural Science Fund, etc. and has won more than 10 national or provincial prizes for outstanding scientific progresses.
Based on the intrinsic advantages of its organization system, the group has grown into an influential modern pharmaceutical group made up of five major components in China.