雅本化學是一家生命科學領域中集研發、生產、銷售為一體的高科技企業,創建于2006年1月,2010年2月改制成股份有限公司。公司行政總部位于上海,制造總部位于太倉港國家級經濟技術開發區。公司自成立伊始就將融入全球農藥、醫藥產業鏈作為長期發展目標,并根據自身各項實際資源因素確定了以與全球優勢企業合作的戰略發展目標,建立了完整有效的質量控制體系和 EHS 體系,并通過了許多跨國公司對供應商嚴格而慎重的考察和選擇,并與他們結成了長期、穩定的戰略伙伴關系。
ABACHEM is a public listed chemical company in China, specializing in contract manufacturing to the pharmaceutical, biotechnological and agrochemical industries. ABACHEM offers a broad spectrum of services for the production of fine chemicals, advanced intermediates, and active pharmaceutical ingredients.
We have successfully collaborated and partnered with major pharmaceutical and agrochemical companies globally. ABACHEM has become a reliable development and manufacturing service provider to meet clients’ outsourcing needs by offering cost-effective and time-efficient services and products. ABACHEM is headquartered in Shanghai with our R&D center in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area of Shanghai and manufacturing facilities in Taicang, Jiangsu province, about 50 km northwest of Shanghai.
These two facilities allow ABACHEM to be able to handle customers' demand from the earlier process R&D to commercial production.