美國Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc.,
美國Yankee Environmental Systems 公司是一家世界著名的氣象儀器生產公司,尤其以生產定標或校準級別的高精度產品(比如多波段旋轉遮光輻射計)而聞名。Yankee 公司客戶遍及美國世界各地。在美國國內,美國能源部、國防部、農業部和商業部都有使用該公司產品。
Yankee所有產品都是采用美國最先進的遙感技術。通過多種并行研發項目,其重點是利用最新的光電技術,提供環境和氣象業務研究使用的產品。Yankee工程師們一直與多家世界一流的研究型大學,其中包括: 弗吉尼亞理工大學、 紐約州立大學、 馬薩諸塞大學等,以及主要的國家實驗室,其中包括:美國能源部(DOE)太平洋西北國家實驗室、美國空軍研究實驗室、全國大氣研究中心(NCAR)等,他們都與Yankee公司有緊密的合作關系。
Yankee提供完整系列的專業參考級光學水汽測量儀器,使用最新的數字化制冷鏡面和熱穩定技術。同時,其大多數的水汽濕度儀器都采用微機管理和自適應數字控制回路的技術,備有TCP / IP網絡友好界面。 可以方便地從網絡度取和監控數據。
Since 1989, Yankee engineers have been focused on solving some of the most difficult measuring problems known to man, including global warming, acid rain, and ozone depletion. Our instrumentation products help solve some of your most difficult challenges in temperature and moisture, atmospheric radiation and remote automated weather observation. More recently, Yankee has focused its efforts on operational meteorology and homeland defense, such as tracking winds that might carry a plume from a dirty bomb. Automated Total Sky Imagers and Radiosonde Launchers reduce or eliminate the need for human observers, freeing personnel to work on more value-added tasks. Yankee introduced the world's first no-moving-parts precipitation sensor based on hotplate technology licensed from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. This novel sensor will lead to important improvements in air and road safety in winter conditions.
Yankee is an engineering and customer-driven organization, and this fact shows in its innovative environmental sensors, known for their high-quality and long term stability. Unique internet-enabled data collection and storage approaches used in the line of Automated Radiosonde Launchers, Rotating Shadowband Spectroradiometers and Total Sky Imagers represents the future of remote weather observation systems. State-of-the-art detectors, electronics, temperature-stabilization, and rugged mechanical packaging helps ensure accurate long term operation. A long term investment in extensive automated calibration laboratories has resulted in a suite of advanced NIST-traceable facilities supporting the characterization of sensors.