ULTRA Scientific 是在1976年由William Russo博士建立的,很早以前,ULTRA通過不斷完善和擴大我們的性能、設施和人才資源來向全世界的公司提供分析標準品。當美國環保署發起當美國環保署發起了凈水法案, ULTRA Scientific是第一個可以提供精確的測試標準,確保所需的驗證檢驗順利進行。多年過去了,新的法規要求更復雜的標準品。如今越來越復雜和敏感的儀表要求更為精確、純凈的校準標準品。ULTRA每天都迎接這些挑戰, 有信心帶領全球的實驗室系統和儀器制造商。
產品系列:無機試劑、無機標準、有機整潔的標準、有機溶液標準、藥品標準、溶劑、熱電公司標準、ULTRA QuECh? - QuEChERS試劑產品、ULTRAcheck?質量控制樣品、 ULTRAsep SPE產品及配件。
ULTRA在其它很多領域中也是出于領導地位的。例如,ULTRA在行業中是第一家成為經ISO 9001認證的企業,這意味著我們公司的規程都時刻被記錄、審核以及追蹤。ULTRA的研究室是ISO 17025認證,表明了我們的產品是被認定為完全可靠和有效的。ULTRA在同行中是為數不多的符合能源部極為嚴格的條件的企業。
ULTRA Scientific was founded in 1976 by William Russo, a PhD chemist. In the years since, ULTRA has provided analytical standards to companies throughout the world, growing and expanding our capabilities, facilities, and personnel. When the EPA initiated the Clean Water Act, ULTRA Scientific was the first to provide precise testing standards, ensuring that the required compliance testing was possible. As the years passed, new regulations required even more sophisticated standards. Today's increasingly complex and sensitive instrumentation demands purer and more precise calibration standards. ULTRA meets these challenges everyday, gaining the confidence of leading labs and instrument manufacturers worldwide.
ULTRA has also led the way in many other areas. For example, ULTRA was the first company in its industry to become ISO 9001 certified, meaning procedures are documented, reviewed and followed at all times. ULTRA's laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited, indicating that in addition to being thorough, our products are certified to be completely reliable and effective. ULTRA is also one of very few in the industry that meets the criteria of the extremely rigorous DOE audit.
ULTRA uses state of the art instrumentation so that we may be more stringent in our testing than our customers need to be in theirs. Most importantly, ULTRA strives to ensure that we will be able to meet our customers' every need. ULTRA has it all for you: easy ordering on the web, rapid shipping with virtually no backorders, the most experienced and competitive custom solutions manufacturing capabilities, and one of the most complete lines of standards. We take great pride in putting years of combined experience to work, and in our attention to the smallest details. We work closely with our client to help them solve whatever challenges they face. Let ULTRA help you become as productive as possible.