美國Technical Associates
TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES is your reliable source for radiation safety and radiation monitoring
instruments. Serving National Laboratories, power plants, universities, hospitals, biotech labs
and industry since 1946, in the United States and abroad.
Over 300 products to fit your exact needs. Sensitive to Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-ray, Neutron and
Positron Radiation, from μR to 10, million R per hour.
* Tritium, Radon, Noble Gases
* Surface Contamination
* Cargo Container and Vehicle Scanners
* Isotope Identification Systems
* Personnel Monitors
* Exit Monitors and Radiation Security Systems
* Air-born Contaminants, Particulates
* Electronic Dosimeters, Friskers
* Ground Water, Liquid Effluents, Run-Off
* High-Range Underwater Monitoring
* High-Energy Particle Accelerator Beam Dump Monitor
* Radio Chromatography Scanners
* and More!
Radiation monitors for specialized applications including contamination checking of food, tools,
laundry, and floors. Lead counting shields, reference sources and calibration instruments.
Instruments for environmental surveillance; anti-smuggling devices are available.
Technical Associates can also customize or custom design and produce instrumentation to fit
your specific needs. Please Contact Us for detail.