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陶氏益農 陶氏益農

陶氏益農Dow AgroSciences


Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, began in 1989 as DowElanco, a joint venture between the plant sciences businesses of The Dow Chemical Company and Eli Lilly and Company. In 1997, DowElanco was renamed Dow AgroSciences when Dow acquired 100 percent ownership of the business from Lilly.

Our products and services are designed to solve pressing crop production problems for our customers, boosting ag productivity to maximum sustainable levels to keep pace with the growing needs of our world’s rapidly expanding population. Our research focus is on game changing technologies to provide better crops, better plant nutrition and better control of destructive crop and noncrop weed and insect pests. The goal of our research efforts is faster, better, more efficient, more productive and more viable agriculture long-term, because our world’s future depends upon crop production technology.
