TechniData is the leading global provider of EHS solutions (EHS = environment, health and safety). We support customers in protecting the health and safety of man and the environment. Our customers are industrial enterprises that represent the chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, electronics, manufacturing and retail industries, to name but a few. We also provide support to public sector bodies, such as authorities, in many countries worldwide. Our solutions include software, process expertise, implementation services, regulatory content and managed services.
We offer our customers holistic EHS Management Solutions that cover the following areas:
Health and Safety
Be proactive in keeping employees safe and healthy and improving productivity
Product Safety and Stewardship
Develop, produce and sell compliant and safe products
Environmental Performance
Maintain an operating license and conserve resources
We are proud that, since our establishment in 1985, more than 6,000 users at more than 1,600 companies have turned to our EHS solutions.
With SAP AG we develop EHS Solutions, which are distributed by SAP and are being used by industrial enterprises in nearly all countries of the world.
Beside industrial enterprises many ministries, authorities and public bodies worldwide rely on EHS solutions from TechniData.