美國TrimGen 是一家分子診斷公司,致力于開發先進的基因測試,將傳統的用藥方法轉變為個性化用藥。公司利用獨有的核酸技術,對與遺傳標記相關的疾病進行早期診斷。Mutector(TM) 平臺采用的轉移終止檢測技術是一種對臨床標本低水平突變進行檢測的獨特方法。另一種特有技術 eQ-PCR(TM) 是一種特殊的通過增強基因擴增信號以檢測低水平靶基因的方法。公司提供 100 多種針對癌癥、白血病和傳染性疾病的檢測方法。
TrimGen is a privately held diagnostic company founded in 1999. The company is located in Sparks, Maryland.
Our business focuses on nucleic acid-based molecular diagnosis. We provide over 100 molecular tests and test products for leukemia, cancer and infectious diseases. The products are developed based on proprietary technologies and have superior accuracy and sensitivity.
Our mission is to provide advanced genetic tests to transform traditional medicine into personalized medicine.