荷蘭Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment BV是一家跨國公司,供應各種用于環保和農業研究的設備。公司的系列產品可用于土壤、水、植物和氣候的研究,土地測量,以及礦泥和泥漿的研究,適合農業、水文和環保相關學科。
The Netherlands could well be called Western Europe’s nursery as far as environmental technology is concerned. Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment plays an important role in the development and marketing of products which enable effective environmental soil and water testing to be carried out. The Dutch home market is an important market for further technological developments.
The National Sales department consists of 9 people. It is a department where the customer can count on receiving honest advice from professionals in this field. The department divides roughly into three areas: the first is aimed at engineering firms and environmental consultants. Items most in demand in this sector include equipment for the testing of soil (ranging from hand-operated drills to drilling machine technology) as well as groundwater and other underground water testing. Another team is responsible for maintaining contact with government, educational and scientific bodies such as state institutes, district water boards, universities and institutes of higher learning. Leading products in this sector include the Diver, digital level gauges, meteostations and ground moisture and sediment sampling equipment. Finally the remaining team focuses entirely on the agrarian sector. This is where sampling equipment for liquid manure + liquid feed and testing equipment for farming and horticulture are marketed. Each sector has its own team but needless to say the knowledge that is found here is readily interchangeable.
The National Sales department at Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment strives as much as possible to supply the end user directly. When it concerns the acquisition of new customers, the account managers of Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment will do the initial calling. Customers can also head directly to the comprehensive showroom in Giesbeek for a complete overview. John de Geest who is coordinator of National Sales would be pleased to provide you with more information about sales activities in the Netherlands.