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Edinburgh Instruments
Edinburgh Instruments Edinburgh Instruments

英國Edinburgh Instruments 愛丁堡儀器
英國Edinburgh Instruments公司提供各種類型的紅外及遠紅外氣體激光器,其中包括CO激光器、CO2激光器、脈沖TEA-CO2激光器及遠紅外THz激光器。其產品具有波長可調,光束質量優良,穩定性高等特點,在科研領域具有廣泛應用。


Edinburgh Instruments Ltd

Since its establishment in 1971, Edinburgh Instruments Ltd has become recognised as a leading light in the photonics and electro-optics industries.

Edinburgh Sensors

Edinburgh Sensors has over 15 years experience in developing and manufacturing high quality reliable gas sensors based on non-dispersive infrared technology. Thousands of sensors are now in use throughout the world in a wide variety of applications and environments.

Profile 1971 - 2009

In a history spanning nearly four decades Edinburgh Instruments Ltd has established a world-wide reputation for innovation, technical expertise and quality in areas of lasers, opto-electronics, spectroscopy and gas sensing.


Details and staff synopsis on our customer contact team.


As our success continues to grow, we seek talented professionals to join our team. We are therefore interested in employing knowledgeable specialists in physics, electronics, mechanical and optical engineering disciplines to join our team.

