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三生制藥 三生制藥

沈陽三生制藥有限責任公司成立于1993年,是集生物藥品的研發、生產和銷售一體化的高新技術企業。公司開發重組或基因工程蛋白類藥物,以滿足臨床治療腎臟病、腫瘤、腫瘤支持治療、以及其他炎癥和傳染類疾病的市場需求。主要產品包括重組人紅細胞生成素(益比奧)、重組人血小板生成素(特比澳)、重組人干擾素α2a(因特芬)和重組人白細胞介素-2(英路因)。其中特比澳是公司自主研發的國家一類新藥,2006年1月產品上市銷售。 公司的生產基地位于沈陽經濟技術開發區,生產車間面積3000平方米,通過了國家GMP認證。生產基地大批量生產益比奧、特比澳、因特芬和英路因等四種產品,供應臨床應用和商業需求。

A message from Dr. Lou Jing

Since the establishment in 1993, we have successfully conducted the research, development and industrialization of four genetically engineered, protein-based products, and a few new product candidates are in the R&D or process of registration stages; we have established a quality control system in accordance with SFDA regulations and our manufacturing facilities fully comply with the Chinese GMP Guidelines which could produce for both clinical and commercial purposes; European Pharmacopoeia 2002 version on quality control has been implemented by us since 2004.


We maintain our sales and marketing forces in 31 provinces and major cities and continually expanding our targeted market through our 461 marketing & sales professionals and approximately 110 distributors, and have gained big market share in both volume and sales. The strong financial profile with a track record of growth and profitability is a good evidence to show that our company has entered into a stage of rapid development.


We should base on all of the above achievements and to accomplish further objectives. We will insist on the development direction of biotechnologies and carry on our specialization to develop new technologies and products with independent intellectual property.


Our goal is to become the leader in the research, development, manufacture and commercialization of protein-based therapeutics in China and continue to advance our drugs into international markets.


We believe that our leading position in the market, diverse portfolio of marketed products, proven research and development capabilities, nationwide sales and marketing network; high quality proprietary manufacturing processes and experienced and market-oriented management team will enable us to achieve our goals.




