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Smiths Group
Smiths Group Smiths Group

英國Smiths Group
Smiths Group成立于1851年,總部設在英國,是一家在倫敦證券交易所上市的100家最大公司之一。在安全檢測、醫療和特殊工程領域,Smiths Group均是一個全球領導者。

Smiths is a global technology company listed on the London Stock Exchange. A world leader in the practical application of advanced technologies, Smiths Group delivers products and services for the threat & contraband detection, energy, medical devices, communications and engineered components markets worldwide. Our products and services make the world safer, healthier and more productive.

Smiths has evolved substantially since its foundation in 1851, today employing over 23,000 people in over 50 countries. Smiths Group has five divisions: , , ,  and . We serve a diverse range of global customers including governments and their agencies, petrochemical companies, hospitals, telecommunications companies and manufacturers in a variety of sectors around the world.

Smiths has great opportunities to create value by improving performance and growing our businesses. Each division is seizing these opportunities: Delivering efficiencies by restructuring and using our scale more effectively; supporting sales growth by increasing manufacturing and service capacity; creating growth by expanding activity in developing markets; increasing our technology and geographic footprint through bolt-on acquisitions; and driving growth in our technology businesses by investing in targeted research and development.

Our focus on growth and performance improvement is balanced by a respect for employee safety, the environment and the communities in which we live and work. We promote the importance of good business practice through our . In recognition of this, Smiths has been awarded membership of the FTSE4GOOD Index, which acknowledges companies that have met stringent social, ethical and environmental criteria and are positioned to capitalise on the benefits of responsible business practice.

Smiths Group successfully takes high value-added products and services into some of the most interesting markets around the world. We are bringing technology to life.
