印度Shantha Biotechnics
印度疫苗生產商Shantha公司總部設在印度的海德拉巴,從事幾種重要疫苗的開發,生產及銷售.Shantha設施先進,企業管理達到國際先進水平.2009年8月31日,賽諾菲巴斯德通過收購梅里埃聯盟在法國的分公司ShanH正式控股Shantha,ShanH擁有Shantha的多數股權.Shantha與多個國際組織合作,向亞太地區,非洲及拉丁美洲大型的國際市場供貨.1997年,Shantha將SHANVAC-B 疫苗投放市場,這是Shantha在印度生產的首個重組乙肝疫苗.其它如SHANVAC-B ,SHANTETRA (白喉,百日咳,破傷風及乙肝聯合疫苗), SHAN5 (白喉,百日咳,破傷風,b型流感嗜血桿菌及乙肝聯合疫苗),以及SHANTT (破傷風類毒素)為世界衛生組織(WHO)預審合格疫苗,可向世界各地的聯合國機構供貨.Shantha還有一系列重要的疫苗處于研發階段.
A pioneer in the field of biotechnology, Shantha Biotechnics is the first Indian company to develop, manufacture and market a recombinant human healthcare product in India. We are committed to breaking new ground in modern biotechnology to address critical healthcare needs of the developing world.
Shantha is currently focusing its R&D efforts in the development of generic biologicals, novel therapeutic antibodies, proteins and vaccines. Shantha conducts exploratory research in the fields of Oncology, Infectious Diseases and Platform technologies.
SHANVAC- B is the first Indian Hepatitis-B vaccine to be pre-qualified by WHO, Geneva, for supplying to UN agencies globally. Today, Shantha caters to major international markets including Asia-Pacific, Africa, CIS and Latin America in addition to supra nations like UNICEF and PAHO.
To make cutting edge technologies available to the common man Shantha is constantly exploring the possibilities of partnerships to facilitate innovations in research and development.
A deep sense of commitment and a tradition of excellence have characterized Shantha’s journey thus far and have placed it in the forefront of exciting scientific ventures. However, there are still bigger oceans to be crossed and farther shores to be reached.
Shantha has also obtained WHO-Geneva Pre-qualification for its combination vaccine of DPT+ Hepatitis-B vaccine “ SHANTETRA, enabling supplies to UN Agencies.