

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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千山藥機 千山藥機

湖南千山制藥機械股份有限公司是嚴格按照現代企業制度組建的高新技術企業,公司位于國家級長沙經濟技術開發區,是我國工業行業(制藥專用設備制造行業)排頭兵企業,中國馳名商標企業,國內主要的注射劑生產設備供應商,主營業務為各類注射劑生產設備的生產、銷售。 公司于2002年在湖南省工商行政管理局注冊成立,現注冊資本13400萬元,現有員工500多人,30%以上具有大專以上學歷。2011年5月,公司經相關部門批準于深交所創業板上市,股票簡稱:千山藥機,股票代碼:300216。


公司主要產品包括:非PVC膜軟袋大輸液生產自動線、塑料瓶大輸液生產自動線、玻璃瓶大輸液生產自動線、塑料安瓿注射劑生產自動線、國家863項目全自動智能燈檢機、玻璃安瓿、口服液、抗生素等注射劑生產自動線等,主要用于各種注射劑的生產,包括注射劑包裝容器的制備及清洗、藥液灌裝、注射劑的封口及滅菌等。 自創辦之日起,千山就確立了“依靠科技創新求發展”的經營思路,重視新產品開發和新技術的應用,重視科技人才的引進和培養,并一直以先進的產品和良好的信譽兩張王牌贏得市場,始終保持著藥機行業的領先地位。近年來通過科技創新不斷提升我國制藥裝備技術水平,現承擔國家火炬計劃2項、國家863計劃1項、國家重點新產品計劃1項、財政部重大產業化專項1項、湖南省重大科技攻關項目3項,起草并制訂《聚丙烯輸液瓶拉伸吹塑成型機》、《塑料瓶輸液洗灌封一體機》、《非PVC膜單室軟袋大輸液生產線》三項行業標準。公司獲得國家科技進步二等獎1項,國家優秀新產品1項,省市縣科技進步獎多項。公司獲得授權和正在申請的專利已達900余項,其中發明專利45項,是獲得授權和正在申請專利最多的制藥裝備企業。


Hunan China Sun Pharmaceutical Machinery Co.,Ltd. , which was strictly established on basis of modernized enterprise system of China well-known trademark and high-tech enterprise , located in national-level Changsha economical and technological development zone, registered at Industrial & Commercial administration , Hunan province on October 24th, 2002, our company went public and GEM listing ( stock code:300216) in Shenzhen stock exchange market on May 11th, 2011, now, the registered capital is 134,000,000 RMB, covers 105 mu area, factory area is more than 60,000 square meters. Now, there are more than 500 staffs , 30% of them has a college degree or above. 

Our company is the leading enterprise in national industrial field( pharmaceutical special equipment filed), the domestic main equipment supplier of injection production, mainly engaged in pharmaceutical machinery, packing machinery, food & drinks machinery and packaging material production ,sales and import & export business. “China Sun”brand have already became the famous brand of national pharmaceutical machinery field, won the broad masses of the user’s trust and favor, Products sold all over the mainland and have exported to East Europe, Central Asia, Africa, South America, Latin America and other countries and districts.

Since established, China Sun was founded the developmental way , which is “basis on technology innovation for developing”, pay attention to new products research and new technology applying, keep the leading position all the time in pharmaceutical industrial. At the same time, our company precipitated development of Asahi Group, International direction, and already joint-venture and establish Shanghai Far-east pharmaceutical machinery Co.,Ltd., joint-venture with Canada company ACIC and established Venus pharmaceutical machinery LLC in Chicago, America.
