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普羅吉生物 普羅吉生物

普羅吉生物 Protgen
北京普羅吉生物科技發展有限公司 (Protgen Ltd.) 成立于 2004 年 8 月,是由留學歸國人員創立的研發型高新技術企業。公司的研發及高層管理團隊由多位留學歐美的資深學者和企業家組成,具有豐富的重組蛋白藥物研發和生物技術公司管理運行經驗。目前,公司員工本科以上學歷達到 90% 以上,其中擁有博士和碩士學位的達 40% 以上。

普羅吉公司,是國家發展和改革委員會批準建立的 “抗腫瘤蛋白質藥物國家工程實驗室” 的共建單位,與清華大學有著密切合作,建立了高效和日趨成熟的產、學、研相結合的生物技術成果快速轉化機制和模式。公司致力于研發具有自主知識產權和國際競爭力的重組蛋白質藥物、抗體藥物和腫瘤診斷試劑,在蛋白質藥物規模化制備方面具有一系列國際領先的核心專有技術。

公司具有卓越的科研項目管理經驗和先進的技術研發水平,承擔并參與了多項國家級科研課題。“十五”期間公司參與完成國家 863 課題一項,目前正承擔一項 863 課題,并參與一項 863 課題,主持“十一五”計劃“重大新藥創制”一項,參與“十一五”計劃“重大新藥創制”兩項。公司已申請了五項 PCT 發明專利,分別進入四十一個國家和地區,其中一項已在中國獲得授權。

長期以來,公司受到了北京市委、市政府,北京市科委及中關村管委會等部門的大力支持。公司首席科學家入選中央 2009 年度第一批“千人計劃”;2010 年 4 月,公司榮獲中關村國家自主創新示范區“2009 年重大科技成果產業化突出貢獻單位”稱號;同年,公司成為“北京生物醫藥產業跨越發展工程”(G20工程)第一批企業,并入選 2010 年中關村“瞪羚計劃”首批重點培育企業。


Protgen Ltd., as a new research high-technology company located in the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, was founded in August, 2004 by returned oversea scholars. The senior management team, who are in charge of the R & D and management, consist of several oversea scholars and enterprisers. At present, 90% employees of the company have bachelor degrees and 40% of them have doctoral degrees.

Located in the Zhongguancun Biomedical Park, Protgen Ltd. is the collaborator of the National Engineering Laboratory for Anti-tumor Protein Therapeutics authorized by the National Develop and Reform Commission. Protgen dedicates in developing recombinant protein drugs with intellectual property rights and international competitiveness, protein drugs, antibodies, diagnosis kits and service on recombinant proteins (protein purification, refolding; antibody preparation protein drug production).

Protgen believes efficiency, seriouseness, deploitation and innovation. According to our excellent project experience, Protgen has been participating many national science projects, such as 863, etc. Now Protgen has filed 4 PCT inventions and patents, one of which has been authorized in China.

Protgen is supported by many government departments. The chief scientist is selected to the “One-Thousand Talent Project”. On 23th April, Protgen is announced to be one of the G20 enterprises.

In the next five years, based on its advantages in protein science, Protgen will explore and seek for oversea market and make its best to become an internationally well-known biomedical company.
