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Nanochip Nanochip

美國Nanochip inc?
位于美國加里福尼亞州Fremont的Nanochip表示 Nanochip表示已經開發出一種可以將大量數據存儲在硅芯片上的方法,電流通過數千個點陣組成的一個只有幾微米大小的陣列,這些點陣將信息寫入硅上層介質中。
Founded in 1996, Nanochip is a fabless semiconductor company that is developing a range of storage chips that can be used in consumer electronics products such as digital cameras, cell phones, PDA’s, etc. as well as laptop computers and fast servers. The storage chips that are in development at Nanochip are based upon the technology of writing domains in a storage media with an array of atomic force probe tips in contact with the media. Either the media or the tip array can be moved with micro-mechanical (MEMs) movers to write, read, and erase bits on the media that are in the range of 10 to 20 nanometers in size.

The benefit of the Nanochip technology is that their storage chips are not dependent on the limits of lithography. The recorded bits are defined by the tip/media interface, whereas the chip itself is made with older and much less expensive lithography tools. The media itself has been shown to support domains as small as 5 nanometers which in the future could lead to 1 TB individual dies or storage chips.

Nanochip has partnered with several large companies to help in our product development. We also work closely with several well known experts at major universities who specialize in atomic force probe tips and our proprietary storage media.
