目前,諾賽基因已經從最初的DNA 測序和基因分析服務,拓展到整個分子生物學和蛋白質組學研究和服務的廣泛領域。我們已經擁有多個獨立的、技術精湛的研究團隊,包括基因組學、蛋白組學、抗體組學和細胞學等。更為重要的是,我們擁有一套完善的質量管理體系,對我們的生產和服務進行嚴格的監控。2004年,諾賽基因的質量管理體系已經通過ISO 9001:2000標準驗證。目前,公司正在通過ISO/IEC 17025:2005檢測標準實驗室能力的認證。
諾賽基因位于北京經濟技術開發區,實驗室面積約5000平方米,擁有員工100多名。為從事高通量實驗分析、基因組學研究和蛋白組學研究配備了多套高端實驗設備,包括DNA測序儀、質譜分析儀、高性能液相色譜、微陣列芯片分析儀和實驗室自動工作站等。目前,公司已正式運行實驗室信息管理系統(Laboratory Information Management System , LIMS),同時對樣品、數據、工作流和所有的標準操作流程(Standard Operation Procedure, SOP)進行標準化管理,達到提高生產效率、產品質量和服務質量的目的,滿足客戶需求。
As one of the largest genomics-based biotech companies in China, SinoGenoMax Co.,Ltd. was incorporated in September,1998 by a joint investment from the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission and Beijing Boda Sci-Tech Venture Capital Ltd. Its founding members include the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking University,Chinese Academy of Science,and Beijing institute of Medical Sciences.The affililated institute,Chinese National Human Genome Center of Beijing (CHGB)was established in October,1998 at SinoGenoMax.
SinoGenoMax participated in the International Human Genome Sequencing Project, and has been closely involved in several major genome-related research projects such as pathogenic microorganism sequencing projects, Chinese population single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping project, and other disease genome research projects. Originally focused on DNA sequencing and analysis, SinoGenoMax has subsequently expanded its expertise in all aspects of molecular biology and protein biology. We have built up several independent technical groups including genomics group, proteomics group, molecular biology group. In particular,we have perfected a rigorous quality management system to implement process monitoring and quality control for all the procedures we perform.We have passed ISO 9001:2000 international certification of quality management system since 2004,and now we are preparing to obtain ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation of testing laboratory.
There are currently 100 employees working at SinoGenoMax located in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area.Our 5,000 square meter laboratory building is fully equipped with top class facilities including DNA Sequencers,mass spectrometry,HPLC,Microarray Chip Reader,and lab automation workstation,for high throughput operation and analysis in genomics and proteomics research.A proprietary Laboratory Information Management System(LIMS) has been implemented for standardized management of samples,data and work flow, and all procedures are performed under the guidance of corresponding SOPs.
In the past few years, SinoGenoMax has successfully provided high quality and cost-effective services for several international pharmaceutical companies.Wether in the scientific reaserch or industrial of production, the widely recognized achievements make us become the best biotechnology service company at home and abroad.