法國AES Chemunex
法國AES Chemunex公司是全世界最大的生產食品安全檢測產品的公司之一,主要以生產微生物檢測產品,包括空氣微生物采樣器,拍擊式均質器,自動稀釋儀,培養基自動制備分裝系統,微生物檢測試劑,流式細胞微生物快速檢測儀等,其產品集優良的品質及富有靈感的設計于一身,享譽全球,是建設現代微生物實驗室的首選.
AES CHEMUNEX is one of the rare companies that can supply customers with a complete range of products and services to meet all their needs in: Sample Collection - Sample Preparation - Culture Media and Media Preparation - Inoculation - Incubation & Temperature Monitoring - Rapid Microbiology - Reading & Confirmation
Expertize & Synergies
We have become a comprehensive resource in microbiology thanks to our specialized knowledge and internal synergies in the following areas:
Molecular Biology
Prion Diagnostic
Our product development activities focus on:
* Automated systems manufacturing
* Culture media production
* Distribution of essential laboratory supplies
Our service development activities focus on: customer service hotline for IT products, equipment installation & maintenance (remote and on-site), metrology and training.
Industries & Customers Served
Thousands of microbiology labs throughout the world - from small labs to
world-class universities and major international corporations - use AES Chemunex products. We serve a number of key industries including: food & pharmaceutical manufacturing, cosmetics & personal care products, semiconductor, water, veterinary/livestock production, environmental and clinical.
Group Facts & Figures
Headquartered in Rennes, France, AES Laboratoire Group has:
* Production & logistic facilities in Combourg, France.
* R&D and production facilities for PCR food pathogen detection kits in Laval (Canada)
* R&D and production facilities for PCR veterinary diagnostic kits in Saint-Brieuc (France)
* R&D facilities for cytometry analyzers and rapid methods in Paris (France)
* Direct representation in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and the United States.
* More than 500 employees worldwide (over 50 dedicated to Research & Development)
* More than 70 product distributors worldwide
Commercial R&D and Marketing Facility (Rennes - France)Production & logistics facility
(Combourg - France)Production of reagents & culture mediaAutomated equipment manufacturingR & D in microbiologyR & D in automated equipmentExperience cannot be copied!
AES CHEMUNEX is the first manufacturer having developed since 1980 a full line of tools for microbiology laboratories, from sample collection to results. The company has gained a proven experience in mastering different technologies like flow- and laser scanning-cytometry, molecular biology,culture media or metrology, these different technologies being supported by 6 specialized departments. This is the reason why AES CHEMUNEX is considered as an expert at all steps of the microbiological analysis and will stay a step forward against competitors who have recently adopted its marketing and development strategy.
A worldwide recognized performance
-First automated culture media preparator
-AES CHEMUNEX's ALOA medium (Listeria monocytogenes detection) has become the mandatory medium of the ISO method
- SMS (Simple Method Salmonella): the first AFNOR/ISO 16140 validated method worldwide
- CHEMUNEX has become the worldwide leader of cytometry applied to microorganisms detection
- DILUMAT: a trademark from AES CHEMUNEX that has become a reference,
- SCAN RDI the first and only true real time sterility test with FDA approval for the control of pharmaceutical sterile products