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Medicago Medicago

加拿大Medicago ?
公司是基于植物技術的組合式人體疫苗研發先鋒。面對流行性傳染病和季節性傳染病疫苗供求的挑戰,公司成功研制出自有知識產權的瞬變表達系統,該系統使用來自于非轉基因植物葉片中的抗原。 公司位于加拿大魁北克市,擁有1300平方米的領軍設施,包括高科技溫室及下游研發設備。 公司提供多種優于傳統蛋基技術及細胞培植技術的強勢:速度(3個月內即產出數百萬劑),單支劑量的生產成本,以及極低的投資。 目前的產品包括疫苗抗體組合:HA和 NA流感抗體,以及大面積傳染性疾病疫苗。

?Medicago is developing highly effective and affordable vaccines based on two proprietary technologies: its plant-based Proficia? manufacturing technology and its Virus-Like Particles (VLPs). Proficia? is a robust vaccine and antibody production system based on protein expression in plant leaves. This technology has the potential to offer speed and cost advantages over traditional egg-based and cell production systems. It can deliver a vaccine for testing in less than a month after the identification and reception of genetic sequences from a pandemic strain. Medicago’s VLPs resemble a virus, allowing them to be recognized readily by the immune system however they lack the core genetic material, making them non-infectious and unable to replicate. The Company is currently using tobacco leaves to produce pandemic and seasonal influenza VLP vaccines.
