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Medidata Solutions
Medidata Solutions Medidata Solutions

美國Medidata Solutions
Medidata Solutions公司幫助全球領先的制藥、生物技術、醫療設備和研究機構最大化利用他們的臨床研究投資的成果。公司創新的過程設計、技術和服務可以通過實現可靠的臨床資料——這是每個研究機構最寶貴的血液——的早期可見性使得臨床試驗更合理化。Medidata Solutions公司與全球六大洲80多個國家的各種規模的公司和機構合作,幫助臨床研究人員安全地加快將生命增強型治療方案投放市場的進程。Medidata Solutions公司在20多個診療領域擁有豐富的臨床經驗和專業知識,為其廣泛的客戶群提供了重要的價值;項目分成I、II、III、IV期進行,對數千個研究人員和數萬個項目分別登記、管理并參與合作研究。
Medidata Solutions。我們深知客戶開展生命科學研究最主要的目的是將醫藥產品盡快投放市場,并以能向客戶提供技術支持而倍感自豪。

Medidata 一貫致力于向臨床研究單位提供最先進的試驗規劃和臨床試驗管理工具。我們的使命是將創新科學技術和深入洞察數據交付給臨床研究人員,以幫助他們將醫藥產品盡可能安全、高效、低成本地推向市場。

Medidata 團隊非常關注臨床試驗過程的每個步驟(包括每個運作和臨床活動),為不同規模的公司定制設計解決方案,協助他們用上最先進的技術、流程變更管理、實施計劃、強健的數據庫和分析方法,降低試驗過程的風險、時間和資源。通過針對性地影響臨床研究的關鍵決策點,我們正通過不懈的努力開發設計一系列解決方案,為臨床研究團隊全體成員提供全新的分析工具和信息技術并最大程度地實現他們的臨床投資價值。


Medidata Solutions. We recognize that our customers' life science research fosters the critically important goals of bringing life-saving and life-enhancing treatments to the public, and we are proud to support this work.

Medidata is committed to providing clinical research organizations with the most advanced tools for planning and managing their clinical trials. Our mission is to put innovative technology and insightful data into researchers' hands to help bring treatments to market as safely, efficiently and effectively as possible.

The Medidata team has looked at all steps of the clinical trial process—spanning operational and clinical activities—and created solutions for companies of all sizes that use cutting-edge technology, process change management and implementation planning, and robust databases and analytics to take risk, time and resources out of the trial process. By focusing on critical decision-points in clinical research, we are working to develop solutions that provide all members of the research team with novel analytic tools and information technology to maximize their clinical investments.

The support of our customers, partners and colleagues has been key to our continuing growth and evolution in serving the market for clinical trial solutions. We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you to our community.
