荷蘭達芬奇歐洲公司(Da Vinci Europe)
DVE與很多家知名企業有著廣泛的合作,包括Shell Global, Agilent,VARIAN, Unilever,Akzo,LabSystems Atlas,PerkinElmer Instruments,Shimadzu等。DVE公司現在擁有包括RAAK實驗室信息公司,專業從事實驗室軟件數據管理,自動化方法和程序開發;iDQuest公司,專業為生命科學,醫療,法醫和分析化學提供軟件應用程序的控制實驗過程;TransGlobal Distributors公司,代表美國制造業為全球石化工業提供氣相色譜、質譜和校準用標準的創新解決方案。
Da Vinci Europe憑借多樣化的產品和豐富的實驗室經驗,可以完成整體實驗室的解決方案。2009年為Caribbean Food Safety Institute提供了一整套的實驗室方案。正如DVE Group的CEO Willem所說:"It has always been our goal to offer customers high performance analytical solutions, not just products. It is great to see what has been established during the last 10 years. By making use of opportunities and by starting new cooperations we, as the Group, are able to become an even better and more experienced partner for our customers. As a result we can further optimize the efficiency of a laboratory! "
Da Vinci Europe: The versatile partner for analytical laboratories.
Our wide ranging expertise in chromatography and mass spectroscopy makes Da Vinci Europe laboratory solutions (DVE) a valuable partner and an outstanding supplier of high-performance analytical solutions.
Established in 2000 Da Vinci Europe has become a versatile partner for analytical laboratories. From providing analytical instruments, software, supplies and robotics, up to maintaining systems. Da Vinci Europe assists laboratories in boosting their efficiency. Our growth during the past 10 years is founded on this versatility.