2006年12月, IQAir Store 正式成為IQAir空氣凈化器在中國大陸地區總代理。最初,IQAir只在北京和上海兩個城市進行銷售。但由于中國大陸地區空氣污染程度較為嚴重,我們之后開始將IQAir引進到其他的城市。在僅僅很短的時間內,在包括中國在內的八十多個IQAir有銷售的國家和地區里,IQAir已將自己的產品塑造成為目前市面上最頂級,最高效的空氣凈化器。
For over 40 years, IQAir has been at the cutting edge of indoor air purification. Started by two German brothers in the the early 60s, we are today an international, Swiss-based industry leader in the field of high-efficiency air purification. When clean, healthy indoor air is of the essence, IQAir is able to provide air cleaning solutions which are highly effective and yet affordable.
IQAir's innovative strength stems from its own R&D and manufacturing. This, by today's standards rare approach, has led to products which set new standards in performance, style and quality.