法國,宜法系統,ifa systems ,
多年來宜法對質量保證的務實態度為宜法贏得業界各方的尊重,在市場上的尊嚴和企業長期的成功。極少有僅以軟件產品為核心的公司,更遑論在醫療保健或眼科專業領域的其他公司,能夠夸耀它長達25年,雖僅專注于同一個企業使命,但仍能不斷地獲取市場成功的事實。再者,德國的電子病歷(EMR)風潮遠早于其它工業國家,身為業界的翹楚,宜法在德國市場擁有45%以上的占有率。 以上這些傲人的成就讓宜法從眾多的系統供應商脫穎而出。
在2009年第三季度,宜法有了另一項產業上的大突破:將第三代 (3G)軟件技術導入其先進的電子病歷系統里,更加完善了其獨一無二的連接保證功能。 融入了第三代軟件技術的宜法電子病歷系統能連接任何第三方設備、醫院既有的病歷系統以及其它各式診所管理應用程序,而且不論這些設備或應用程序是否符合行業技術標準或協議。正因為只有宜法能給予這樣的連接保證承諾,讓宜法成為業界里的佼佼者,而經由宜法軟件的連接接口,全球每天有超過7千名眼科專業人士管理著超過18萬患者病歷。
The ifa group is the leading international provider for electronic medical record (EMR/EHR) and picture archive and communication systems (PACS) in ophthalmology. Every day more than 10,000 eye care professionals and their teams around the world use the famous software with the "red dot". The EMR and PACS applications are available in 10 languages and are installed in more than 20 countries around the world. Every day ifa systems manage more than 200,000 patient cases and more than 80 million patient visits are stored in local and wide area ifa networks.
The abbreviation ifa stands for “intelligent future applications” for eye care professionals worldwide. ifa has been on the market for more than 25 years. Its headquarters are located in Frechen/Cologne (Germany), with branches in Berlin, Vienna (Austria), Fort Lauderdale/Florida, Louisville/Kentucky and Singapore. The ifa team members are also the main owners (shareholders) of the public company, which is listed at the “Deutsche Boerse Frankfurt”.
The range of ifa software for ophthalmology offers more than 40 modules with over 18,000 features and functions. ifa offers more than 450 digital interfaces to all kinds of ophthalmic instruments, image systems and software applications.
The ifa team members represent more than 1,000 combined years of experience in ophthalmic health IT. Approx. 100 specialists around the world support user of EMR, telemedicine and EDC applications. The 24/7 support is managed from locations in Europe and America. Quality is the main topic for customer satisfaction. The ISO 9001:2008 certification documents the high quality and efficiency standards. The ifa EMR software is also ONC (US government) certified (ARRA EHR incentive program).