華平投資集團 Warburg Pincus
華平投資集團(簡稱華平投資、華平集團或華平,英文名稱 Warburg Pincus)是一家全球領先的私募股權投資公司,專注于增長型投資。成立40 多年來,華平一直采取獨樹一幟的投資戰略,與企業家和一流的管理團隊合作,投資于成長型企業。
Warburg Pincus, LLC is a global firm with offices in the ,, , and . It has been a private equity investor since 1966. The firm currently has approximately 30 billion in and invests in a range of sectors including , industrial and services (CIS), , , , , and TMT and . Warburg Pincus is a and its active portfolio of more than 125 companies is highly diversified by stage, sector and geography. Warburg Pincus has raised 13 private equity funds which have invested more than $40 billion in over 650 companies in more than 30 countries.
Warburg Pincus also has a long history as a leading investor in the information and communication technology sectors, including investments in , , , Cassatt, Harbour Networks, , , and .