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新加坡政府投資公司 GIC  
新加坡政府投資公司(Government of Singapore Investment Corp.簡稱GIC),成立于1981年5月22日,是新加坡最大的國際投資機構,負責管理新加坡政府大部分海外資產,由副總理吳慶瑞于1981年創辦,成立之初由總理李光耀親自擔任董事會主席,吳慶瑞擔任副主席,但李光耀依然擔任公司董事長。現任集團總裁為林祥源,世界銀行行長沃爾芬森曾被邀請擔任GIC顧問。
新加坡政府直接投資有限公司(The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd),主要投資于公開市場,包括股票、債券以及貨幣市場等;
GIC不動產投資有限公司(GIC Real Estate Pte Ltd),主要投資于不動產,是全球最大的地產公司之一;
GIC特殊投資有限公司(GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd)、主要投資于創業風險投資、企業重組、過渡性融資以及垃圾債券等。


he Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Private Limited (GIC) is a established by the  in 1981 to manage's . Its mission is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves, with the aim to achieve good long-term returns above global inflation over the investment time horizon of 20 years. With a network of nine offices in key financial capitals around the world, GIC invests internationally in, , money-market instruments,  and special investments.

GIC is one of a few global firms with the highest corporate credit ratings by both Standard & Poor's and Moody's, of AAA and Aaa respectively. Its investment portfolio is managed by its three subsidiaries: GIC Asset Management Pte Ltd (public markets), GIC Real Estate Pte Ltd and GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd (private-equity investments). In 2008, reported that  had estimated the fund's assets at US$330 billion, making it the .

In addition to GIC, the Government of Singapore owns another sovereign wealth fund,, which manages about US$142b of assets.
