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Ferring Ferring

瑞士輝凌制藥Ferring Pharmaceuticals
輝凌集團于1950年由Frederik Paulsen博士創辦,是世界上首家生產人工合成肽的公司之一, 并在不同的治療領域上,包括泌尿科、生殖醫學、婦產科、胃腸道疾病和內分泌系統疾病等,開發各類創新藥品。



輝凌中國于1996年成立, 令輝凌集團成為其中一家最早獲準在國內設立全資擁有企業的外國公司。為配合輝凌集團的發展計劃,輝凌中國于2003年在廣東省中山港國家健康基地興建了一所占地20,000平方尺的高科技生產廠房,總投資額為一千四百伍拾萬美元,廠房于2005年3月開幕后,成為輝凌集團在亞太區第一家生產廠房。

一直以來,FERRING與很多大學、醫療機構和其他研究所都有著緊密聯系,共同進行研究工作。我們深信,以我們日漸擴展的網絡,FERRING的產品將令更多病人受惠,從而實現我們的承諾:輝凌制藥 — 以科學造福人類。


Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven biopharmaceutical company devoted to identifying, developing and marketing innovative products in the fields of infertility, obstetrics, urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and osteoarthritis.

The company’s research activities and products are connected by a common thread focused on the provision of tailored treatments that work on the body’s own terms to enable doctors to combat numerous diseases and medical conditions.

The company has gained international recognition over the last 20 years for the creation of inventive medications that improve the quality of life of children and adults all around the world.

Ferring has its own production facilities in several European countries, in South America, Israel and China. With the acquisition of Bio-Technology General in 2005, it has capabilities in recombinant biotechnology as well as more traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Ferring’s marketing, medical services and sales teams, led by corporate headquarters in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, operate from more than 45 countries and employ more than 3500 people throughout the world, while treatments are available in more than 70 countries. This expansion has allowed Ferring to maintain a double digit annual growth rate over the last two decades.

Ferring’s R&D projects complement Ferring’s product portfolio and will add a new generation of products to some of the company’s most successful specialty brands. R&D facilities are located in Denmark, Israel and California, USA.

Ferring is committed to a future where it will continue to provide new and innovative medicines by utilising existing and acquired skills and the development of pioneering technologies and, where necessary, through partnerships with academic institutes and other companies.

