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Forma Therapeutics
Forma Therapeutics Forma Therapeutics

美國Forma Therapeutics
劍橋馬薩諸塞州的Forma Therapeutics公司多年來一直在探索結構生物學的藥物發現途經?;诘鞍踪|結構的藥物發現包括兩個步驟:X射線晶體學及隨后的計算機分析——分析過程借助于Forma公司的CS譜圖專利平臺,這是一種基于片段大小的計算機模擬方法。公司的創建者,首席科學官Steve Tregay博士詳細講述了計算機模擬技術的工作原理:通常用含有30~40個片段的測試集合將蛋白結構表面的測試數最小化,然后就尋找蛋白質表面能夠與片段同源結合的位點?!拔覀冃枰龅木褪切⌒囊硪淼睦L制出蛋白表面結合位點的圖譜,并進一步鑒定活性位點、變構調節位點,在更廣闊的蛋白—蛋白結合的表面發現關鍵的互作位點”,Tregay介紹說,“蛋白質表面結構的分析及相關互作位點的鑒別,為藥物靶標的篩選、小分子藥物的發現及先導化合物的優化過程提供了很好的途經?!?br/>FORMA Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company integrating transformative biology and chemistry to unlock targets and pathways that have been validated through genomic medicine as root causes or major drivers of human cancers.


FORMA’s novel approach to accessing such high value drug targets, many of which pose significant challenges to conventional discovery approaches, is rooted in the concerted integration of its innovative drug discovery technologies and oncology expertise, enabling efficient screening, discovery and rational development of a novel generation of small molecule drug candidates with qualified cellular mechanisms of action. FORMA is building a robust pipeline of therapeutics directed at Achilles heels in human cancers, such as key targets associated with cancer stem cells, tumor cell metabolism, programmed cell death or epigenetic disease mechanisms.


FORMA builds on the vision of its academic founders: Stuart Schreiber, Todd Golub and Michael Foley, each of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. FORMA leverages its innovative drug discovery platform to address challenging targets and develop a robust internal pipeline of breakthrough oncology drugs.
