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達科為 達科為

深圳市達科為生物技術有限公司(Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd.)創立于1999年,經過十余年的快速發展,現已形成以深圳為總部,在北京、上海、廣州、成都、武漢、香港設有分支機構的集團性企業。員工超過100人,其中80%的人員擁有本科及以上的學歷。

公司主要業務包括生命科學研究用儀器(Scientific Instruments)和試劑(Life Science Reagents)、醫療設備(Medical Equipments)和診斷試劑(Diagnostic Reagents)等產品的研發、生產及營銷推廣?,F與國內主要科研院所及國外幾十家生物科技公司保持著業務合作關系,產品已外銷至香港、臺灣、東南亞和北美。



Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd. was established in 1999. Headquarter in Shenzhen, and with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hongkong, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and Chengdu, Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd. is now becoming the leading company in biomedical products distribution and R&D in China. Till 2011, there are over 120 employees working in Dakewe, more than 90% of them has a bachelor’s degree, and more than 40% has a master’s degree.

Main business units include distribution of life science reagents, scientific instruments, and medical equipments in China, and R&D in research and diagnostic reagents. The company has developed close relationship with most of the universities, institutions, hospitals, and pharma companies in China. It also developed close business cooperation with dozens of foreign companies worldwide, and hundreds of sub-dealers nationwide. Its R&D products are now sold in China and also in Hongkong, Taiwan, South East Asia, and North America through local distributors.

Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd. was awarded “High-Tech Enterprise” “Key Incubation Enterprise In Shenzhen” by the government. Its R&D projects gained funding from Ministry of Technology China and Shenzhen Bureau of Technology.

