Chelsea Therapeutics
Chelsea Therapeutics International Ltd.是生技制藥公司,從事類風濕性關節炎、牛皮癬、癌癥及其它免疫系統混亂的治療用藥。該公司重點研究中的新藥CH-1504,則是一種口服型的消炎、抗癌藥物
Chelsea Therapeutics (Nasdaq:CHTP) is a biopharmaceutical development company that acquires and develops innovative products for the treatment of a variety of human diseases, including central nervous system disorders. Chelsea is currently pursuing FDA approval in the U.S. for Northera? (droxidopa), a novel, late-stage, orally-active therapeutic agent for the treatment of symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension in patients with primary autonomic failure.