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化學與藥物結構分析 CPSA Chemical and Pharmaceutical Structure Analysis  
 1998年Mike S. Lee聯合制藥產業界分析化學家在美國新澤西州創辦,創立之初主要集中在生物分析和化學分析領域,至今已十四年。CPSA匯集制藥業意見領袖們的觀點,目標是促進科學交流進步,并構建熱點話題、產業需求及趨勢的基準。CPSA創造了這樣一個平臺:對于科學,CPSA讓技術與解決方案交融;在文化上,CPSA讓西方與東方相遇,促進觀點碰撞和交流;CPSA還創造氛圍來構建參與者之間的友誼。同時,CPSA關注教育和專業化的培訓,促進年輕人的發展。


CPSA Background and History
This annual meeting began in 1998 and was the first industry-led event to complement academic-based meetings and address the specific needs of industry researchers. The program highlights current industry trends and relevant topics. The broad-based support has allowed the meeting to evolve into a premier industry-led event that is dedicated to promoting awareness of issues and needs associated with research and development.

Over the past 13 years, the CPSA event has attracted sponsors, thought leaders, and participants who are dedicated to the spirit of cooperation to achieve common goals. The event is dedicated to promoting the analytical sciences in an interactive and educational environment.

Meeting Format
The meeting features a unique format to allow scientists to openly share their comprehensive perspectives on industry-related issues and needs. First-hand experiences with specific applications and technologies are openly discussed.

The CPSA Shanghai symposia and roundtables are highly interactive events where scientists share their experiences and visions in a collegial setting. The program will highlight speakers and sessions that provide real-world experiences with new technologies and critical insights into current issues and future needs. Education and specialized training are the foundation of all CPSA events.

Each session at CPSA Shanghai will address the current industrial landscape and the global need to bring products to market faster. The program chairs will promote discussion and exchange of experiences, ideas, and visions so that current processes that involve analytical measurement can be benchmarked and future strategies may be developed.


CPSA Shanghai 2011 program chairs and sponsors
The CPSA Shanghai symposia and roundtables feature a unique format to allow scientists to openly share comprehensive perspectives on industry-related issues and needs. First-hand experiences with specific applications and technologies are openly discussed. Lively discussions in a collegial setting are a hallmark of the meeting.
