

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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長江生命 長江生命

長江生命CK Life Sciences  
長江生命科技集團有限公司 (港交所:0775),簡稱長江生命
科技,于港交所的主板上市,為長江集團成員之一,主席是長江集團主席李嘉誠先生長子李澤鉅先生。公司主要從事生物科技產品的研發、商品化、推廣及銷售業務。曾經從世界經濟論壇獲得2004年度“科技先驅”公司獎項。公司在2000年成立,在2002年于創業板上市,當時上市編號為 (港交所:8222),2008年移至主板上市。

CK Life Sciences Int'l., (Holdings) Inc. (stock code: 0775) is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Bearing the mission of improving the quality of life, CK Life Sciences is engaged in the business of research and development, commercialization, marketing and sale of health and agriculture related products. Products developed by CK Life Sciences are categorized into the areas of human health and environmental sustainability. A number of inventions have been granted patents by the US Patent and Trademark Office. CK Life Sciences is a member of the Cheung Kong Group.

