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Concepts Research
Concepts Research Concepts Research

美國Concepts Research
Concepts Research 公司設計、開發、制造微片激光器,激光波長包括:1064nm、1029nm、1920nm、946nm、532nm、473nm;355nm和266nm的微片激光器正在研發中。Concepts Research 公司根據客戶的不同應用,可以提供OEM系列的微片激光器模塊和ILM系列的微型激光器系統。Concepts Research 公司開發的微片激光器應用范圍廣泛,包括:放大器的種子源、激光打標、激光劃線、熒光測量、激光雷達、激光測距、生物醫療、激光誘導。

Concepts Research Corporation was first positioned as an engineering services provider in
1999 offering 100 plus years of corporate engineering experience including engineering services
in the area of conceptual design, detailed design, product implementation and project
management. Our focus has expanded to include diode pumped lasers and laser control systems.

Our diverse staff encompasses multiple disciplines and experiences from successful best-in-class
corporations. This offers us the opportunity to provide more than just a single product, we offer
solutions, not just components.

Our corporate structure is composed of two highly experienced teams:

The Laser Component Technologies Group and the Systems Technologies Group.
