英國BWB Technologies
英國百沃技術(BWB Technologies UK)有限公司是家專業制造生產火焰光度計的公司,總部位于英國,多年來,一直致力于分析儀器設備的研發和制造,其最新開發的 BWB-XP 系列火焰光度計,代表了火焰分光光度計的最新技術,可同時測量 Na 、 K 、 Li 、 Ca 、 Ba 五種元素;應用領域廣泛,如農業、飲料、食品、化學、臨床檢測、藥物分析、礦物萃取、油料、石油、化工、土壤分析等。
BWB Technologies is a UK based company focusing on the design, manufacture and sales of scientific instrumentation. Drawing on an Anglo-American team of leading industry specialists they strive to create high quality cost effective products.
From their manufacturing plant in Newbury, England they aim to shake up the current market with the introduction of a series of products exceeding existing expectations with new levels of usability, quality and value.