康盛人生是亞太區最具經驗及擁有最大網絡的干細胞儲存庫,于澳洲、新加坡、香港、印尼和印度設有完善的臍血處理及低溫儲存設備,并于澳門、菲律賓和泰國設有辦事處??凳⑷松瘓F對干細胞儲存國際應用和標準深入的認知,獲得多個國際質量標準組織認可,如美國血庫協會(AABB)、澳洲醫療及藥物管理局(TGA)和國際標準組織(ISO)等。 2006年,康盛人生更成為全球唯一干細胞儲存庫獲得享有盛譽的世界經濟論壇頒發“2007 科技先驅大獎”??凳⑷松诎闹拮C券交易所上市(代號 :CBB)。
康盛人生總辦事處位于新加坡,自2001年5月成立以來,我們一直在亞洲多個國家 為顧客提供可靠、優質的服務。我們的實驗室是東南亞首家獲得美國血庫協會(AABB)認證的臍帶血庫。AABB是國際公認臍帶血庫質量認證的最高標準。另外,香港實驗室之技術人員均是香港衛生署之注冊醫務化驗師,并接受嚴格的專業訓練
CordLife collects, processes and stores cord blood stem cells, which may later become potential source material for life saving treatments.
Headquartered in Singapore, we have been providing quality and reliable service to our customers in different countries throughout the region since our incorporation in May 2001.
Our laboratory in Singapore where we store your cord blood units is the first and only AABB* accredited private cord blood banking facility in South and Southeast Asia. We are also licensed by the Ministry of Health in Singapore.
As a company with strong values and integrity, we set high standards for processing and storing cord blood stem cells. Our banking activities have always been focused around umbilical cord blood stem cells. With stem cell research and development progressing rapidly, this is expected to expand to include other sources of adult stem cells, such as adipose tissue and mesenchymal stem cells. We have already begun preliminary studies and are in the progress of establishing international strategic alliances in these areas.
CordLife is a division of CordLife Ltd , a healthcare company listed in Australia.
* The American Association of Blood Banks has led in the development of blood banking standards since 1957. In 1991, the AABB published similar standards for cord blood banking, and these standards are today recognised as among the highest, if not the highest, standards in the world. These standards ensure that banks accredited by the AABB provide for their customers the best possible method for processing and storing of cord blood sample ready for possible transplantation in the future.