生物制程國際學會 中國 BioProcess International China
IBC主辦的第4屆BioProcess International? China的目的,乃在將中國和世界各國生物醫藥品業界有關人員聚集,思考今后該國持續發展時必要的要素,同時介紹細胞株工程、培養基的開發、產品和有關制程的描述之重要領域最新信息,生技仿制藥能支持實現與其先行藥具同等能力。邊削減成本邊支持改善收益和品質、以及提高生產效率是此學會的最終目標。
●細胞株工程、細胞培養和培養基開發 ●分析方法和品質-生物制劑和生技仿制藥的描述與同等性/同質性
●生技仿制藥的開發-法規、市場、臨床 ●病毒的安全性和下游制程 ●設施的設計和一次性設備的生產
BioProcess International? China event, the goal is to bring China and the rest of the world together to explore the missing gaps in China's development, and to help bring China up-to-speed on critical areas such as cell line engineering, media development, analytical characterization strategies to establish similarity between a biosimilar and its originator drug, as well as design of multi-product facilities and implementation of single-use systems.
Bringing together global leaders to provide you with proven scientific and technical strategies and innovations on:
Cell Line Engineering, Cell Culture and Media Development
Analytical Characterization, Comparability and Quality Assessment
Downstream Processing and Viral Safety
Single-Use Systems and Multi-Product Facilities
Biosimilars Development - Regulatory and Market Challenges