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BioJapan BioJapan

BioJapan 日本國際生物技術展  
自1986年以來,“日本國際生物技術展”——BioJapan  2000年起,四個主辦方——財團法人日本生物產業協會;日本健康科學基金會;日本農業、林業和漁業技術創新協會;日本生物產業化財團已將該展會辦成涵蓋高峰會、展覽會、商業合作和市民參與的日本最大的國際性專業展會。該活動同時由16個國內外政府組織鼎力支持。2004年的活動將致力于成為21世紀全球生物產業發展的契機,并且主辦單位又新增兩家:社團法人生物產業信息化財團和日本醫藥制造商協會。

BioJapan has continued to
evolve and is making
excellent progress
Since first being held in 1986, BioJapan has continued to grow and will reach its 14th show in 2012. Given the large number of major pharmaceutical companies that have exhibited in recent years, we have greatly improved our Internet-based matching system—an essential tool for business partnering—while working together with exhibitors to help them make full use of growing opportunities to form alliances at the event.
At BioJapan 2012, we plan to hold organizer's seminars and organize exhibits in various zones under four major themes: "Life," encompassing medical and health care businesses, medical devices and equipments, and cosmetics; "Green," including biorefineries, biomass plastics, and the environment; "Functional Foods and Neutraceuticals"; and "Biotechnology Clusters and Ventures." With exhibits covering a wide range of biotechnology industry-related fields, services, and products, such as research-use instruments and reagents, BioJapan offers a venue for researchers to effectively deal with whatever issues they face, from collecting information on research trends to comparing the products and services they need to conduct research.
