強生Johnson & Johnson Biosense Webster
Biosense Webster 是美國強生公司下屬的一家致力于研究、開發電生理介入診療產品的專業醫療器材公司,為廣大醫師和患者提供心律失常疾病的整體解決方案。它是世界上第一根可調彎導管的發明者。
公司以電生理專家和患者的需求為指導,不斷推出心律失常治療的革新技術和產品,從第一根可調彎電生理導管到LASSO環形標測導管。直至今天最先進的心臟三維電解剖標測系統-Carto XP。Biosense Webster這個名字成為最先進的電生理導管設計和制造工藝的代名詞。1993年,革命性的Biosense技術將心臟影像技術推向了新的高度,被公認為心律失常治療領域的業界領袖。
在中國發展的數十年間,Biosense Webster 一直致力于提高水追的客戶服務,密切保持與電生理專家和醫生的合作伙伴關系,不斷引進最新技術,培養中青年醫師,為中國千百萬患者解除了病患。
Biosense Webster公司愿在將來同您攜手共進,成就夢想!
Biosense Webster is recognized worldwide as a leader in the science behind the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
The first useful deflectable tip catheter was pioneered by Will Webster more than three decades ago. Ever since, Biosense Webster has defined the state of design and craftsmanship in diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheters. In fact, we offer more electrophysiology catheter designs than anyone else in the industry. But beyond numbers, our continuous pursuit of practical innovation has led to a steady flow of breakthrough designs.
At the same time, Biosense Webster has delivered mapping and navigation innovations that have advanced the science and practice of electrophysiology. Ongoing research and development at Biosense Webster has given EPs access to 3-D, real-time, color-coded views into the heart’s electrical activity, allowing diagnosis and treatment with increasing precision. And collaboration with leaders in related industries is pushing the clinical boundaries still further, thanks to such new technologies as remote magnetic navigation and intracardiac echocardiography (ICE).
Guided by the needs of electrophysiologists and cardiologists, Biosense Webster has pioneered innovative technological advancements for more than 30 years. Some might call this quite a heritage. At Biosense Webster, we say it’s just the beginning.