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BioVex BioVex

BioVex是私營生物技術公司,主要開發癌癥和慢性感染性疾病的治療藥物和預防藥物。該公司擁有兩項獨特的專利產品平臺(OncoVEX 和ImmunoVEX)和一個功能基因組平臺(NeuroVEX),這些技術都是基于單純皰疹病毒的操作。
公司的主要癌癥治療藥物 OncoVEX GM-CSF已經在臨床試驗中取得了很好的研究數據,此次融得的資金將使我們順利完成臨床2期研究。同時資金還將用于抗感染在研藥物——一種生殖器皰疹疫苗的2期臨床研究。

BioVex is a biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of biological treatments for cancer and the prevention of infectious disease.

Our lead cancer program, OncoVEXGM-CSF, is a first in class oncolytic vaccine or cancer destroying virus technology that works by replicating and spreading within solid tumors, causing the death of cancer cells while leaving surrounding healthy cells unharmed. The attenuated virus has also been constructed to induce a powerful systemic anti tumor immune response. OncoVEXGM-CSF has now been tested in >110 patients in a broad range of solid tumors including melanoma, head & neck cancer, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. Both the direct cell killing and systemic immune mediated mechanisms of action of OncoVEX have been clearly validated in the clinic; OncoVEX routinely destroys tumors it is directly injected into and has led to overall disease responses in multiple patients in Phase II testing. Tumors resolved through OncoVEX treatment have not been known to recur.

In April 2008 the Company announced it had reached agreement on a pivotal study design in metastatic melanoma under the SPA process with the FDA. The Company plans to submit a second pivotal study SPA in Head and Neck cancer in mid 2009.

BioVex is a biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of biological treatments for cancer and the prevention of infectious disease

The Company is based in Woburn, Massachusetts, with an R&D facility in Oxford, UK
