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Biochain Biochain

BioChain是美國一家從事生命科學試劑研發和技術產品服務的供應商, 經過了十幾年的研究與發展, 憑借其在各種生物樣本庫構建領域的優勢, 已經成為了為生命科學研究團隊提供技術與產品的領軍者, 并且為生物醫學領域中的基因組學, 蛋白質組學, 新藥研究, 臨床診斷開發了各種工具.
BioChain - A Company With Integrated Tools for Drug Target Validation and Diagnostic Assay Development

BioChain is a leading technology and product provider for life science research community. Through a decade of research and development, we have developed a variety of tools for biomedical research in the fields of genomics, proteomics, drug discovery and clinical diagnosis. We are proud to be part of the biomedical community that is significantly improving people's lives.
With our emphasis on product quality and our extensive experience, BioChain has evolved into an advanced and reliable resource for biomedical research. Our integrated platform of technology and product has directly and enormously benefited our customers. With more than 5,000 ready-to-use products, including reagents and kits for extraction, purification, and analysis, as well as our custom designed products and services, we are enabling biomedical researchers to conduct their experiments and/or develop their assays with unprecedented efficiency.

Technology innovation and development are the driving forces behind the steady growth of BioChain. We have developed many patented technologies, such as ultraspeed cloning checker, compartment protein isolation, high throughput Western blot, and integrated bioarray. We also developed technologies for isolating DNA, RNA and protein simultaneously from the same biological sample. We have advanced protein detection by our patented Enhancer for Western Analysis and GEMPLA technology.

In addition to our in-house technology development, we have expanded our intellectual property portfolios by licensing third-party technologies and forming partnerships. We recently licensed a patented technology to knockout protein(s) in vivo. We also formed partnership with several leading companies to provide our customers with antibody production offerings.

We are committed to improving and expanding our product lines and technologies to meet the growing demands of biomedical research. We strive to deliver the best quality products in the industry. We encourage you to contact us with your comments, suggestions, and ideas so that we can better serve you. We also warmly welcome collaborators to partner with us for long-term mutual benefits
