德國 BAG Healthcare
BAG Health Care
BAG Health Care GmbH為一家知名的體外診斷醫療器材與滅菌確效產品制造商,是許多世界知名生技大廠的供貨商,創立于1947年德國。BAG公司生產各式符合ISO/AAMI規范的滅菌確效產品,包括真空測試組、生物指示劑、化學指示劑等,可以應用在各式滅菌器材,例如高壓高溫式滅菌鍋、重力鍋、電漿鍋、EO氣體滅菌器與干熱滅菌器等。
We develop, produce and distribute in-vitro diagnostics as well as sterilization and disinfection control products.
As a manufacturer of made-to-order pharmaceuticals, we specialize in parenteral and lyophilized products.
On July 1st, 2007, BAG-BiologischeAnalysesystemGmbH unveiled its new name. Clearly signalling a renewed commitment to growth and development around the world, the company is now fully poised to meet the challenges of the new millennium.