德國Barkey :德國BAKEY公司始建于1980年,是一家集研發、生產和銷售與一體的公司,產品主要有氮吹儀、材料測試裝置及干熱儀等, 這些產品廣泛應用于醫療、科研、材料測試和環境分析等領域。德國Barkey加溫產品包括:微電腦多功能干式血漿解凍與加溫儀、Barkey加熱中心和輸液溫度控制顯示儀及輸液加熱管。北京鑫瑞馳科技發展有限公司是德國Barkey加溫產品的全國總代理。
Barkey is a German technology company, which was founded in 1980. The company's enthusiasm for innovation and production quality coupled with the high efficiency and long operating life of the products have ensured continuous growth.
In 1996, Barkey relocated from Bielefeld to the new industrial estate Asemissen West in Leopoldsh?he in order to accommodate expanding orders. The company owned building near Bielefeld offers the ideal conditions for effective inter-linking of production, sales and administration. Among the factors influencing the choice of location were proximity to the Autobahn A2, the possibility of further expansion, as well as the attractive countryside location near the Teutoburger Forest.