亞太臨床微生物暨感染病會議 APCCMI Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection
2012第13屆亞太臨床微生物暨感染病會議 2012年10月25日-28日 北京國家會議中心
非常榮幸邀請大家出席“第13屆亞太臨床微生物暨感染病會議”(13th APCCMI,原“西太平洋感染與化療會議”),我謹代表本屆大會組委會熱切期盼諸位的蒞臨!
本屆APCCMI為期4天,預計參會人員將超過5,000人。大會以“規范方法,把握機遇——共同開啟感染學管理新紀元 Collaborating in the management of infections: Right Ideas, Right Actions, Right Now”為主題,邀請了眾多國際知名專家學者出席,屆時他們將獻上精彩的課題演講,并通過主題報告、全體會議、專題會等活動與大家展開深入探討。會議期間,組委會還將繼續開展征文評選和壁報展示,以此作為同仁之間分享成果的有效渠道;同時,大會還制定了青年學者獎勵政策,以鼓勵中青年力量更好地致力于未來學術研究(詳見“征文通知”)。所以,我們誠摯歡迎各位同仁積極提交學術研究摘要,共同推動感染病領域的學術繁榮。
As the organizers, we are truly honored to welcome our colleagues from all over the world to Beijing, China participating in the 13th Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (13th APCCMI; formerly Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases, WPCCID), which will be held from October 25 to 28, 2012.
Even with great development in economy and social changes in Asia, countries within the region still need to face threats from various infectious diseases. By taking such great opportunity to host the 13th APCCMI, we sincerely hope to provide the channels to demonstrate and share the progress that all specialists have achieved, link resources in chemotherapy and infectious diseases and most importantly, to learn from our colleagues around the world.
Beijing, a cosmopolitan and diverse city, is not only well known for its scientific research development, but also popular for the spectacular scenery and insightful history with fascinating combination of cultural treasures and modern facilities, such as world-famous antique, The Forbidden City and the National Stadium, the Bird’s Nest, built for 2008 Olympic.
With utmost welcome, we are looking forward to your visit to Beijing, China and confident that you will enjoy the stay with us.