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AthenaHealth AthenaHealth

athenahealth公司在美國提供為醫生的做法服務的基于互聯網的商業服務。其提供的服務是基于專有的基于互聯網的軟件、數據庫的付款人償還過程中的規則和后臺辦公服務業務。該公司的主要產品包括athenacollector 和athenaclinicals。該公司成立于1997年。它的前身是Athena Healthcare Incorporated,在2000年3月改名為athenahealth.com, Inc.,在2000年11月又改名為athenahealth, Inc.。該公司總部設在馬薩諸塞州的Watertown。
athenahealth向醫生提供一種將診所事務管理功能和賬單開具功能相結合的可訂購服務, 后者作為診所醫生和消費者之間的中介。為了保證提交給消費者的賬單的適當性, 準確性和完整性, athenahealth降低遭到消費者拒絕的賬單的百分比并改善醫療業務的現金流轉狀況

In 1997, athenahealth’s co-founders Todd Park and Jonathan Bush purchased a birthing practice in California. Almost immediately, they were buried in paper and spent most of their time and energy trying to get paid. They looked for a solution, but couldn’t find one.

So they built their own.

What resulted are athenahealth’s easy-to-use billing, practice management, and EHR services. athenahealth’s web-based software, intelligent rules database, and dedicated team of specialists address the many practice needs that impact both the quality of patient care and practice revenue.

Today, athenahealth helps over 20,000 medical providers nationwide enjoy faster payment, increased collections, radically improved control over billing and clinical operations, and more time for their patients.

For us, improving health care is more than just a job. It’s our passion. We’re absolutely dedicated to liberating doctors and patients from the administrative expense and stress of the health care system. It’s all part of our mission to become medical groups’ most trusted business service. Join us. You’ll see the change. And the results.

For quick overview facts about athenahealth, go to our Corporate Facts page. There is also some important information you should know about The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and its implementing regulations (HIPAA). Lastly, we have set very high standards for how we conduct ourselves and perform our work.

