美國Artium Technologies
2002年3月7日,明尼蘇達州Islet Technology公司宣布加州Artium Technologies公司已成為他們的全子公司。Artium公司的總裁Will Bachalo先生將擔任Islet公司的副總裁并成為董事會成員,主管科技事物;和Bachalo先生一同加入Islet公司的還有Artium公司的5名科學家和工程技術人員,他們將得到Islet公司的股份。而Artium公司仍將獨立擁有從政府等渠道獲得資金的權力。
Artium Technologies公司從事激光診斷產品的研制和開發。Islet Technology公司主要研制能分泌胰島素的分子移植物。
美國Artium公司的煙霧粒子分析儀, 激光相位多普勒干涉儀PDI(PDPA, PDA), 激光多普勒測速儀LDV。
Artium Technologies, Inc. was founded with the goal of developing and commercializing advanced laser-based diagnostics for environmental and health related applications. It was founded in 1998 by Dr. Bachalo and other key technical staff from his former company, Aerometrics, Inc. While at Aerometrics, this team invented and successfully commercialized the Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA) for characterizing spray drop size distributions, drop dynamics, volume flux, number density, and the gas phase turbulence parameters. Today, this instrument is considered to be the worldwide standard for characterizing sprays in a wide range of environments.
Artium received its first SBIR contract from NASA Lewis in 1998 to support the development of the Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) instrument for soot characterization. Over the next several years, we continued to receive SBIR support from NASA, EPA and NIST to further advance this technology and develop it into a commercial product, the LII-200. Artium also partnered with Islet Technology of Minnesota with the goal of developing islet encapsulation for diabetes cure. With the support of SBIR funding, Artium has also successfully developed and commercialized a line of Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI) products for spray characterization and has also developed the PDI Cloud Probe.