美國aTyr Pharma, Inc.
aTyr Pharma, Inc. 是致力于研發全新類別生物制劑的生物制藥公司。
aTyr Pharma 新型生物治療藥物的研發工具包括 tRNA 合成酶系列中的新型蛋白質片段,這些蛋白質片段擁有通常與 tRNA 合成酶相關的蛋白質合成功能截然不同的細胞信號傳遞功能。這些蛋白片段,或稱為”resectins”,正被開發成治療血液異常、神經退化性疾病、炎癥、心血管疾病和新陳代謝功能失調的新穎療法
aTyr Pharma discovers and develops protein therapeutics for human diseases. We are building a comprehensive intellectual property portfolio across a family of proteins and their biologically active components.
These biologics have therapeutic potential across a wide range of disease areas including vascular, inflammation, oncology, metabolic, neurologic and dermatologic disorders. Two novel biologics are currently in pre-clinical development.
aTyr Pharma also has established domestic and international collaborative corporate and academic partners for pre-clinical research and development. aTyr Pharma will select products from the development pipeline for internal development, corporate partnerships, and out-licensing.