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Agios Pharmaceuticals
Agios Pharmaceuticals Agios Pharmaceuticals

美國Agios Pharmaceuticals 
Agios Pharmaceuticals是一家獨立的未公開上市生物制藥公司,致力于在新興的癌代謝領域發現并開發出新型治療方案。為了支持并推進這些努力,Agios已經建立了一個集生物學、代謝組學、生物化學和信息學于一體的強大平臺,為靶標與生物標記的確定提供支持。

迄今為止,Agios已經組建了一支世界級科研團隊,建立了規模最大的癌代謝研究實驗室,并創立了一個致力于研究新型癌癥療法的新興復方藥開發渠道。該公司的創始人與科研顧問都是癌代謝領域的核心思想領導者,負責該領域的主要進展、見解與發現工作。Agios Pharmaceuticals位于馬薩諸塞州坎布里奇,由Third Rock、Flagship和ARCH Venture Partners提供資金。
首家致力于研發通過生化代謝的方式來阻止癌細胞的擴散,并最終治愈的生物醫藥公司Agios Pharmaceuticals宣布,其獲得了3300萬美元的A輪融資。 資金將用于搭建一個平臺,以加速治療癌癥藥物的研發過程。Third Rock Ventures、Flagship Ventures、ARCH Venture Partners聯合主導了此次投資。

Agios is a biopharmaceutical company at the forefront of one of the most exciting new areas of cancer research: cancer metabolism. Cancer metabolism represents a breakthrough understanding of how cancer cells become addicted to using more nutrients than normal cells to ensure their survival and growth.

Over the past few decades cancer research has focused on complex tumor signaling originating from oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes; the new field of cancer metabolism shows many of these signals are actually modulating the metabolic functioning of cancer cells. As a result, the intersection of these two fields of research — cancer and metabolism — represents an important and novel approach to treating cancer. The new understanding of a fundamental mechanism of cancer survival represents a new, powerful Achilles’ Heel to target this deadly disease.

Agios Pharmaceuticals is developing a deep pipeline of drug candidates that disrupt the growth and survival of cancer based on unique insights of the founders, scientific advisory board as well as building on decades of research in the fields of oncology and metabolism.

The company’s initial focus is cancer, particularly targeting three key metabolic pathways — glycolysis (sugar metabolism), fatty acid metabolism, and autophagy (self-metabolism). Agios’ primary focus is in oncology, but the company’s platform will also be applicable to other therapeutics areas including autoimmune, inflammatory and neurological diseases.
