美國應用材料公司 Applied Materials, Inc.
作為一家全球化的公司,應用材料公司早在1984年就在中國開始業務并且成為第一家進入中國的外資半導體生產設備供應商。應用材料公司的腳步也隨著中國半導體工業和集成電路產業的發展向前邁進。應用材料公司于1997年正式在中國注冊獨資公司。中國公司總部也已落戶上海浦東張江高科技園區,在北京、天津、蘇州和無錫設有辦事處和零配件倉庫,并把上海作為全球技術培訓中心之一。2003年,應用材料公司在外高橋保稅區設立了第一個外資半導體制造設備的再制造中心。2005年6月初,應用材料公司在上海宣布即將成立應用材料投資(中國)有限公司,以進一步拓展業務,鞏固在中國市場的領導地位。同時,公司還在西安成立了一個全球開發中心, 為應用材料遍布于世界各地的業務提供技術和軟件的支持。
Applied Materials, Inc. (*Nasdaq: AMAT) is the global leader in nanomanufacturing technology solutions with a broad portfolio of innovative equipment, service and software products for the fabrication of semiconductor chips, flat panel displays, solar photovoltaic cells, flexible electronics and energy efficient glass. At Applied Materials, we apply nanomanufacturing technology to improve the way people live.
Founded in 1967, Applied Materials creates and commercializes the nanomanufacturing technology that helps produce virtually every semiconductor chip and flat panel display in the world. The company recently entered the market for equipment to produce solar arrays and energy efficient glass.
Applied Materials service products improve yield enhancement and increase nanomanufacturing productivity.
To support our customers, Applied Materials employs approximately 14,600 people throughout the world. In fiscal year 2008, Applied Materials recorded revenues of approximately U.S. $8.13 billion.