瑞典Biosensor Applications
Biosensor Applications 源自瑞典一家國防公司,是當今世界多國氣體和痕量探測系統的供應商。其獨一無二的B I O S E N S ? 生物檢測技術,有眾多專利支持。
Biosensor Application AB is a public Swedish company located in Solna, a suburb north of Stockholm. It is listed at the Aktietorget stock exchange in Stockholm. The company develops, manufactures and sells biotechnology based vapor and trace detection systems.
The technology is founded on a unique, patented Biotechnology system is based upon a Quartz Crystal Micro balance (QCM). This technology creates detection capabilities within the picogram level for both explosives and narcotics with an investigating time of less than 1 minute.
Customers are offered both the BIOSENS? system as well as the QCM sensor modules called BioCell? and consumables. It is up to the customer to choose the target substances to be simultaneously detected. Different collection systems are available pending the application.
The target market
Biosensor equipment and consumables are sold world wide throughout our distributor network and is currently being used in 12 different countries.
Our typical customers are within:
Border control
Security & Military
Correctional & Police authorities
Rehabilitation & Workplace control